Francis Chan: "The only way a church is going to change is if you personally commit to making disciples"
This fits. Jesus calls out 12 men and says they will be a fisher of men. They spend time with Jesus so that they will be sent out. What did they do when they were sent out? Did they just spread out and randomly go find people to talk to? They would go out and come back.
Likely they did the same things when they were sent out, as they did when they were with Jesus.
They watched what Jesus did. Maybe they would do things together. Jesus would ask them questions. Often after the crowd was gone.
After about 15 months Jesus sends out 72 disciples. 72 people were trained in less than 1.5 years.
They went out to do the same kind of things that Jesus was doing.
I want to meet with people who are thinking about this. Let me know if you would like to meet. Maybe a week from Wednesday. I think that is January 12.