Monday, December 30, 2013

Feisty Leader of a Church

Scotty was an elder in my church in Englewood.  I was only there for 4 months as we filled in while looking.  

Scotty is passionate about God and the church.  What a pleasant surprise to find a friend who is also tired of churches that go through the motions.  Tired of Churches that look nothing like the mission of Christ.  I remember sitting in meetings with passionate discussions about how we have to make a difference in the lives of those around our church.  Scotty was feisty and on a mission.  

Feisty and not on a mission is selfishness.  I have seen that in leaders.  Both is much better.  

  1. 1.
    (of a person, typically one who is relatively small or weak) lively, determined, and courageous.
    "a feisty heroine who's more than a pretty face"

Scotty often talked about the friends that he would visit.  He would take them meals with meals on wheels.  One day I went with him to see his people- delivering meals.  What a great way to care for people.  Scotty found a way to go into the community and show the love of Christ.  

I want to be like Scotty.  I want to be like Christ.  I read about Jesus.  I got to walk with Scotty.  

Scotty is on oxygen and down to a few days to live.  I am a little sad that I will not see him again.  

May God make our efforts successful.  May God help us understand the mission of Christ.  May we number our days and make them count.  

Scotty, I will see you soon.  But, first I have to finish a few more things on our mission.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

On Vacation- on mission- not working ???

Doing what I like to do today.  Even though this is similar to what I do when I work.  Reading the book of Jude.  Checking back on I Timothy 1:6 to see what it meant by useless discussions that church people get into.  

My vacation does free me from a list of things that I would be doing with our church.  I like our church.  

But glad to sit with a student who is growing in how she walks with God.  And sitting with a son in law who understands some of the good changes that are coming in churches.  

Still making disciples and listening to God.  I really want to be part of the things that God is showing me this week.  I want to talk with any who are looking towards Jesus Christ.  Any who want to talk about how they are growing to walk with Christ.  Or maybe someone who is thinking about trusting Christ to be the leader in their life.  

On Mission and on vacation.  Just not on the job- for a few weeks. 

If you are in Tampa, maybe we can talk.  I am at Starbucks now.   

Monday, September 30, 2013

Joy comes from . . .

The Bible has a book about Joy.   

Joy is in the book of Philippians 12 times.  I included Joy, rejoice and happy as I counted.  Jesus / Christ is in the book 51 times.  Gospel or message of salvation is in this book of 104 verses, 20 times.  

So, what about Joy.   A key phrase from Paul is when he says, "I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God."  Paul's joy comes from investing in others.  Paul's rejoicing is in seeing others find their way back to God.  

While in jail, Paul writes this book to help me understand real Joy.  I think if he can talk about Joy while in jail, with realization that his life could be over, then this joy could work for most anyone.  

In the gospels it says one time that Jesus was full of Joy.  Likely there were other times that Jesus had Joy.  But the one time is when disciples came back from a successful mission.  Jesus had Joy seeing that those he had trained, got it.  They understood how God works.  They realized how much God cared for them.  They took the care of God to others.  (Luke 10:21)

Joy comes from giving our lives away.  From pouring out our lives as we invest in others.  Joy is from showing love.  From giving to others expecting to receive nothing in return.  

Making Disciples brings Joy.  Can you write down the names of those that you are investing in.  Your Joy comes when you watch them turn and go to care for others the way you have cared for them.  Making Disciples the way Jesus did, is what brings JOY.  

If you read the Bible today you can share with others.  If you know truth about God you can lead another.  If you are walking with God you can take someone with you.  

I hope you are finding Joy.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Worst Day or Best Day

Paul is concerned that the church should know the good things God has done.  Paul is in jail.  Likely chained to a prison guard.

But good things have happened because Paul is in chains.  The whole palace guard is learning about Christ.  Paul's mission is to help people.  Since he is in jail he cares and shares with those who are guards in the prison.  Those outside are talking in a bolder way about Christ.  Paul has changed his life to be part of the mission God has for him.  His routine is not easy.  But the mission is still on track.  The mission is even better in the change of his plans.  

My day is not on normal routine today.  I am Linda's chauffeur for the next few weeks.  My schedule is a bit different for that.  Things don't always go the way I planned.

All things work together for good and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Even if I was in jail.  Even if my day does not goes as I planned. Even if someone around me is different than I expected.  I hope I will stay on the mission that God has for me today.  See Philippians 1 to read more about Paul's mission.  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Jesus talks about Traditions

Jesus confronts the traditions of the smartest teachers of the Bible. The religious people had these traditions.  Ceremonies and rituals that were passed down from generation to generation.  They taught that they were better off with God when they did this ritual of hand washing.  They also did this with cups, plates and pots.  

I bet the tradition started out good.  Someone thought it would be good to eat with clean hands.  A healthy observation.  Then another wanted to give guidelines on the washing.  Maybe another pointed out how God is pure and holy.  Next they thought they would be holy if they would wash better.  Something that was good has gone too far.  As if God said they had to do these washings.  What a joke.

Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.  Mark 7:7  

What does it mean to say their worship is a farce?
farce = vain revering-  Not good.  No good. Worthless.  

I think I need to not be so proud of my ideas.  The way I learned things are not the way everyone has to do it.  Just because we used to do something one way, might be a good reason to try something new.  

Ever see people keep on doing the same things hoping things will get better.  Or, people with the power or money making poor choices.  

Today is a good day to start walking more like Jesus.  Take a fresh look at the Bible.  Find others who you can help.  Give to someone with out expecting anything back.  

The church becomes more like Jesus when I walk a little more like Jesus.  Glad to be part of an untraditional, biblical group of people called the church.  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Ministry Partners

Why should I join?  What do I get if I am a member?  What will you do for me?  These questions make sense for members of a club.  

 But, The church should be different.  This is not quite the same as a club member.  

But the church calls those who are followers of Christ to take on the mission of Jesus Christ.  They take on the character and priorities that God wants for his people.  Who wants to team up with others?  Who wants to share in the mission of God's church?  

We ask that ministry partners take on the values of Give, Regularly attend, outreach and Words.  

     G.ive- by helping somewhere at church and by giving money in tithes and offerings.

     R.egularly Attend- Sunday morning worship and a small group discussion.

     O.utreach- Using hands to help and words to share with those who are outside of the church.

     W.ords- Speak to build up and not tear down what God is doing.  

A Church that makes disciples who make disciples will work together to serve the mission of Christ.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Intentional- To Follow Christ

How do I get eternal life?  How does a person make it to heaven?  If I died today and stood before God and he asked my why I should get in, what would I say?

It all comes down to putting my trust in Christ as my Leader and Forgiver.  My ways that go against God, do not work.  It makes sense that the one who made me and the one who knows me can show me how to live.  I trust him.  I surrender my ways to him.  God is my Lord and Savior, Leader and Forgiver.  See Romans 10:9-13.

The rich religious ruler was better than most.  He would have memorized the entire old testament. He held a position of leadership in the religious system of the day. Yet he did not trust the instruction of Jesus.  He rejected Christ as Lord and Savior.  See Luke 18:18-23.

Following Jesus is different than following the rules, traditions and practices of religious organizations.

I have no hope if I knowingly and willingly live my life in ways that are against God.  Intentional sin is a deal breaker.  I cannot follow Christ and intentionally live in opposition to what Christ wants me to do.  See Hebrews 10:26.  Yet there are Christians who live in sin and still make it to heaven.  See I Corinthians 3:3, 15.  Only God knows if Christians living in sin are carnal Christians or not even Christians.  

I will sin and confess everyday of my life.  But I intend to live my life as a follower of Christ.  Jesus is my Leader.  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Daniel is likable and respectable

Daniel is a leader with great character.  Even at a young age he is resolved to do what is right.  He knows what is right or wrong.  He understands who he is and what he should do.  

But, there are some other words used to describe Daniel that are much needed in my life.  Daniel asks permission to not eat the kings food.  Daniel shows himself as kind and respectful to those who do not share his faith.  He seems to realize that they can make decisions with little consideration to what matters to him.  

He asks again and says please test us.  He asks for a 10 day trial of eating a diet of vegetables.  Actually he requests to eat only what comes from the ground.  

The staff accepts and agrees to Daniels suggestions.  They like Daniel and show him respect.  Maybe he was likable and respectable.  

Daniel was in a foreign land.  A place where most did not know or follow his God.  Sometimes I feel the place where I live is more like what Daniel faced.  Today it seems most will claim faith in God and then do what is right in their own eyes.  Daniel knew the teachings of the Bible as well as the God of the Bible.  I want to be more like Daniel is how he is kind to all kinds of people.  I agree with his resolve to do what is right.  I want more of his example of kindness to show through in my life.  

For more info see the Book of Daniel from the Bible.  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

a person after God's own heart

Is there a new song that expresses a heart for God.  I especially like how Keith says it's so hard to see when my eyes are on me.  Or, I wanna die and let you live.  

I really am looking for a current song that expresses a heart for God.  I want to use it in church this Sunday.  Church is for this generation.  I want to be a pastor to this generation.  Help me to not use this old song from when I was a teen.  

Trying to go after the character of David this week.  What does it mean for people to call David a man after God's own heart.

David was not perfect.  But he would become broken over his sin.

David could have killed Saul when Saul was going to the bathroom in that cave.  David did not do what so many thought would be totally acceptable.

David could have killed people as the king.  Like those related to king Saul.  But he honored them.  

David could have honored those who said they killed his enemies.  But, you know what he did to them.  

What is a man after God's own heart?  How can I be a man after God's own heart?

Make my life a prayer- Keith Green

Make my life a prayer to you 
I wanna do what you want me to 
No empty words and no white lies 
No token prayers no compromise 

I wanna shine the light you gave 
Thru your son you sent to save us 
From ourselves and our despair 
It comforts me to know you're really there 

Well I wanna thank you know 
For being patient with me 
Oh it's so hard to see 
When my eyes are on me 
I guess I'll have to trus 
And just believe what you say 
Oh you're coming again 
Coming to take me away 

I wanna die and let you give 
Your life to me so I might live 
And share the hope you gave me 
The love that set me free 

I wanna tell the world out there 
You're not some fable or fairy tale 
That I've made up inside my head 
You're God the son and you've risen from the dead 

Monday, June 3, 2013

This generation

2 young ladies came to visit our youth meeting last week.  I feel this.  Those who are creative.  Young adults with piercings or tattoos feel condemnation from some churches today.  I am so thankful that the church has moved past enforcing rules that are not in the Bible.  

But I wonder are young people wondering if they will receive condemnation from people who claim to know God.  

The Bible has enough rules, guidelines and teachings.  We are not better if we make up more rules.  People are not better if we expect them to keep extra guidelines.  

I am thankful for churches that are growing to love all kinds of people.  The church can again be known for it's love.  The church can help people get to know God.  The God of the Bible.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

What About the Religious

On Mondays I seem to find myself with more important thoughts on the sermon I already gave.  

A week from this past Sunday was on those who God calls sinful.  In Paul's writing he uses the word "They".

In Chapter 2 Paul addresses his writings to "You".  Those who know they are sinful are not in good standing with God.  Those who think they are better are in a little worse standing with God.  

Those who hold the scriptures and judge the sinful are without excuse.  They even show contempt for the mercy, tolerance and patience of God.  

Good people do not make it to heaven.  Only perfect people make it to heaven.  Sadly good people often think they are better than others.  

Romans 3 is coming in about 3 weeks.  After Easter.  We will look at how NO person is righteous.  The answer is in Romans 3.  

To be Right with God

To think that regular people who do some good but some wrong could walk as a friend with the creator of the universe.  Not even regular people, but those who might be considered the worst.  There is a list of sinful things and sinful people in Romans 1.  

It is the gospel/ good news that is the power of God that moves man from punishment to being considered righteous by God.  

God loves everyone.  That seems to be good for everyone today.  But when we are selfish and do things that go against God, we stand in a place that deserves rejection from God.

Jesus took our place and was punished for the sins of the whole world.

Our choice is to accept what God has done and choose to trust God as our Leader and Saviour.  I want his help in my life.  I want His ways over my own ways.  I need his forgiveness.  

Read Romans 1 and tell me what you think.  

Monday, February 11, 2013

Church? changing my mind

What does God say about the church?

More and more I am noticing that what I say about the church and what God says about the church are not the same.  As a church we spent weeks looking at the first chapters of Revelation.

God does not talk about the music.  Does God not know how important it is to have contemporary for the young people we are trying to reach?  Does he not know we need some old songs for those we are trying to keep?  And the volume needs to be just right for everyone?  

It seems the size of the church building, number of people, number of pastors and amount of the budget do not enter into the conversation with God in his word.  God seems to be talking about a group of people living in community to be part of his mission.  There is nothing that seems to fit how to do a once a week meeting.  Or anything about a building.  

It seems to be more about lives changing.  More about the truth, especially when we tell people what God says.  More about loving each other and loving God.  The church must be right with God and confront wrong teaching and wrong living.  

So, may God help me to change to see more of what he sees in the church.