Monday, September 30, 2013

Joy comes from . . .

The Bible has a book about Joy.   

Joy is in the book of Philippians 12 times.  I included Joy, rejoice and happy as I counted.  Jesus / Christ is in the book 51 times.  Gospel or message of salvation is in this book of 104 verses, 20 times.  

So, what about Joy.   A key phrase from Paul is when he says, "I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God."  Paul's joy comes from investing in others.  Paul's rejoicing is in seeing others find their way back to God.  

While in jail, Paul writes this book to help me understand real Joy.  I think if he can talk about Joy while in jail, with realization that his life could be over, then this joy could work for most anyone.  

In the gospels it says one time that Jesus was full of Joy.  Likely there were other times that Jesus had Joy.  But the one time is when disciples came back from a successful mission.  Jesus had Joy seeing that those he had trained, got it.  They understood how God works.  They realized how much God cared for them.  They took the care of God to others.  (Luke 10:21)

Joy comes from giving our lives away.  From pouring out our lives as we invest in others.  Joy is from showing love.  From giving to others expecting to receive nothing in return.  

Making Disciples brings Joy.  Can you write down the names of those that you are investing in.  Your Joy comes when you watch them turn and go to care for others the way you have cared for them.  Making Disciples the way Jesus did, is what brings JOY.  

If you read the Bible today you can share with others.  If you know truth about God you can lead another.  If you are walking with God you can take someone with you.  

I hope you are finding Joy.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Worst Day or Best Day

Paul is concerned that the church should know the good things God has done.  Paul is in jail.  Likely chained to a prison guard.

But good things have happened because Paul is in chains.  The whole palace guard is learning about Christ.  Paul's mission is to help people.  Since he is in jail he cares and shares with those who are guards in the prison.  Those outside are talking in a bolder way about Christ.  Paul has changed his life to be part of the mission God has for him.  His routine is not easy.  But the mission is still on track.  The mission is even better in the change of his plans.  

My day is not on normal routine today.  I am Linda's chauffeur for the next few weeks.  My schedule is a bit different for that.  Things don't always go the way I planned.

All things work together for good and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Even if I was in jail.  Even if my day does not goes as I planned. Even if someone around me is different than I expected.  I hope I will stay on the mission that God has for me today.  See Philippians 1 to read more about Paul's mission.  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Jesus talks about Traditions

Jesus confronts the traditions of the smartest teachers of the Bible. The religious people had these traditions.  Ceremonies and rituals that were passed down from generation to generation.  They taught that they were better off with God when they did this ritual of hand washing.  They also did this with cups, plates and pots.  

I bet the tradition started out good.  Someone thought it would be good to eat with clean hands.  A healthy observation.  Then another wanted to give guidelines on the washing.  Maybe another pointed out how God is pure and holy.  Next they thought they would be holy if they would wash better.  Something that was good has gone too far.  As if God said they had to do these washings.  What a joke.

Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.  Mark 7:7  

What does it mean to say their worship is a farce?
farce = vain revering-  Not good.  No good. Worthless.  

I think I need to not be so proud of my ideas.  The way I learned things are not the way everyone has to do it.  Just because we used to do something one way, might be a good reason to try something new.  

Ever see people keep on doing the same things hoping things will get better.  Or, people with the power or money making poor choices.  

Today is a good day to start walking more like Jesus.  Take a fresh look at the Bible.  Find others who you can help.  Give to someone with out expecting anything back.  

The church becomes more like Jesus when I walk a little more like Jesus.  Glad to be part of an untraditional, biblical group of people called the church.