Maybe pastors should work harder to do the things that pastors are told to do in the Bible? Here are 3 things that would help us stay on track.
1. I need to know what I am called to do. I have taken on the call to follow Christ. He is the leader of my life. I trust him with every area of my life. I will live my life to be pleasing to God.
Have I put my trust in Christ?
Am I a follower of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior?
2. Put every thing on the table. Things that do not fit need to go. I must be intentional. If I am not intentional then I will become busy with good things rather than the best things. I will not keep doing the same things that do not work. We will not keep doing things that get us no where.

Does everything on the calendar fit the mission?
Things cannot be there because we just feel like putting it there. What needs to go and what needs to stay.
Has my church gone all in on this?
Does the budget and calendar reflect this?
Concerts, Socials, Softball team? Why do this?
3. Stop doing things that just fill my time. No doubt we can stay busy. But, we need to be busy about things that matter.
Are we meeting needs in the community?
Are we helping people grow in how they know and follow Christ?
Are we training people to help others in how they know and follow Christ?
My life is worth nothing unless I use it to finish the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- Acts 20:24
I look forward to spending time with others who want to live on the mission of Christ.