Jesus says to go and make disciples. Disciplemakers should baptize and teach followers of Christ to keep the commands of Christ. Matthew 28
Matthew records that Jesus told people that the greatest commandment is to Love God. Matthew 22
Moses writes in Deuteronomy 6 that people should love God and keep his commands.
These commands that I give you should be pressed upon your heart. Let the Bible touch the motivation of everything you do.
Once you let the Bible in your head and in your heart you should;
repeat it over and over to your children.
talk about it at home and on the road
When you get up and when you lie down
Put it on the door of your house and take it into the community.
Keep it on your hands and on your forehead.
I am looking for others on this journey who will Study the Bible, Pray it through, live it out and talk about it. This seems to be a pattern from the Old and New testaments of the Bible.
What could happen in a church where the followers of Christ would take on this kind of a way of life?
Monday, December 3, 2012
The difference between leaders and disciple makers
Bill Allison at Cup O' Joe with Bill - 5 weeks ago

*Thinking out loud... * *Leaders ask: *"What's working?" - Hence an obsession with currently trending models/systems of ministry—and those who make them happen. *Disciplemakers ask:* "How can we imitate Jesus' disciplemaking way of life together?" - Hence an obsession with the person of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospels—and a deep friendship with those who share this obsession. The questions we ask take our lives in a direction... to somewhere and someone. Where and to whom are your questions taking you? *More fodder for reflection:* (read the rest at- )
Monday, November 19, 2012
Jesus prays for those who will get the message
Jesus talks about the message that brings eternal life. He says He completed the work that his Father gave him. Then he goes on to pray for those who are living out the Word. They are taking on the message and the way of life.
This work that Jesus completed is before Jesus dies on the cross and before he is raised back to life. The work must have to do with making disciples. It must have to do with the plan of giving this message to those who will make disciples.
He does not say preachers. It is disciples that make disciples. Even today people will listen and respond to those who are sharing the message.
Jesus even prayed for all who would someday respond to the message.
Disciples that make disciples that make disciples . . . .
John 17
This work that Jesus completed is before Jesus dies on the cross and before he is raised back to life. The work must have to do with making disciples. It must have to do with the plan of giving this message to those who will make disciples.
He does not say preachers. It is disciples that make disciples. Even today people will listen and respond to those who are sharing the message.
Jesus even prayed for all who would someday respond to the message.
Disciples that make disciples that make disciples . . . .
John 17
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Bible authority over my traditions
Only say what the Bible says. I just heard about a church that gives points and prizes to children for wearing a tie to church. Really?
Some people use church to fight for their old traditions. Are we still saying that God wants us to dress up and put on our best clothes for Him? That all sounds nice. Except that the Bible does not say that. Does the Bible teach that we should pray before we eat? I just have not found that verse. "Pray this prayer and you will go to heaven?" I just can't find that verse. Should we end our prayers by saying "in Jesus name". Show me the verse.
We contribute to this when we say the Bible says something, but I just don't remember where. It is just to easy today to search and find the verse. It is worth it to do the work.
It is not that any of this is wrong. I will not put words in the mouth of God. I can apply the scripture to my life and show how in my life I am trying to live to please God. But, God knows. I think my motives are pure. But God will be the judge.
I am making plans to read through the Bible again next year. Looking for a Chronological Bible. I would love to have others join in so we could talk about it each week. Let me know if you are interested.
Some people use church to fight for their old traditions. Are we still saying that God wants us to dress up and put on our best clothes for Him? That all sounds nice. Except that the Bible does not say that. Does the Bible teach that we should pray before we eat? I just have not found that verse. "Pray this prayer and you will go to heaven?" I just can't find that verse. Should we end our prayers by saying "in Jesus name". Show me the verse.
We contribute to this when we say the Bible says something, but I just don't remember where. It is just to easy today to search and find the verse. It is worth it to do the work.
It is not that any of this is wrong. I will not put words in the mouth of God. I can apply the scripture to my life and show how in my life I am trying to live to please God. But, God knows. I think my motives are pure. But God will be the judge.
I am making plans to read through the Bible again next year. Looking for a Chronological Bible. I would love to have others join in so we could talk about it each week. Let me know if you are interested.
Monday, September 3, 2012
What you do comes from who you are.
I think he was in 9th grade. A student in our youth ministry. Being a good youth pastor I would try to go to visit our student's activities. So, one afternoon I show up a students school soccer game. This student was sharp but a little on the quiet side. But, on the field he took charge. A strong communicator telling other players who to cover or who to pass the ball to. It was there that I saw such strong leadership.
But, this student was not a leader in our church or youth ministry. He was willing, but he did not see what he could do as a leader.
Kids grow up. It seems as an infant they think the world is about them. Through the elementary grades their parents are heroes with unlimited knowledge and strength. Through the teen years a person starts to understand who they are. What if adults would help students see who they are? Often adults like to tell students what to do. There is a difference.
In I John 3, it talks about God's love. Love is giving with no motive to get anything back. God gives without expecting anything in return. As if God needs something that I could give to him. The way he gives love is like the way I like fudge on a hot fudge sundae. Don't hold back. Don't be stingy. Then he calls us his children. There is something about how a dad loves his children. That describes my relationship with God. He says that we are in Him and He is in us.
Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is. I John 3:6
At the very core of who I am, I am connected with God. This is a loving fathering relationship that helps me through this life. Living in Him will bring success. Not that I would or could stop sinning. The continual habits of sin will lose their grip on my life.
Do, do, do or be, be, be. When I know who I am, I start to understand what I can do. Rather than keep a list of rules in a religion, God invites us to walk in relationship with him. Bad actions will slowly change to good as I walk in a healthy relationship with God.
A good leader should help people see who they are. A good disciple maker needs to help others see who they are in Christ. Walking "In Christ", is a life changer. So I pray, God help me to live my life In Christ.
But, this student was not a leader in our church or youth ministry. He was willing, but he did not see what he could do as a leader.
Kids grow up. It seems as an infant they think the world is about them. Through the elementary grades their parents are heroes with unlimited knowledge and strength. Through the teen years a person starts to understand who they are. What if adults would help students see who they are? Often adults like to tell students what to do. There is a difference.
In I John 3, it talks about God's love. Love is giving with no motive to get anything back. God gives without expecting anything in return. As if God needs something that I could give to him. The way he gives love is like the way I like fudge on a hot fudge sundae. Don't hold back. Don't be stingy. Then he calls us his children. There is something about how a dad loves his children. That describes my relationship with God. He says that we are in Him and He is in us.
Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is. I John 3:6
At the very core of who I am, I am connected with God. This is a loving fathering relationship that helps me through this life. Living in Him will bring success. Not that I would or could stop sinning. The continual habits of sin will lose their grip on my life.
Do, do, do or be, be, be. When I know who I am, I start to understand what I can do. Rather than keep a list of rules in a religion, God invites us to walk in relationship with him. Bad actions will slowly change to good as I walk in a healthy relationship with God.
A good leader should help people see who they are. A good disciple maker needs to help others see who they are in Christ. Walking "In Christ", is a life changer. So I pray, God help me to live my life In Christ.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
a church like Jesus did
Jesus' class picked up at Jacob's well. It was there that Jesus showed love to a woman who found living water. He took his class on a field trip and showed them how to love the world, one person at a time.
I had a pastor like that. Bill Tweeddale took me with him almost every week. We would go to the hospital and talk to people and pray for them. We went to peoples houses to visit and pray. He always offered to share how you could know for sure that you would go to heaven. I watched him lead people to put their trust in Christ as their savior and Lord.
It just does not work inside of a building. What would it be like if Jesus spent most of his time with his team inside a building. He could teach information. Rather he trained in a new way of life.
I wonder if we were supposed to do church more like Jesus did.
I had a pastor like that. Bill Tweeddale took me with him almost every week. We would go to the hospital and talk to people and pray for them. We went to peoples houses to visit and pray. He always offered to share how you could know for sure that you would go to heaven. I watched him lead people to put their trust in Christ as their savior and Lord.
It just does not work inside of a building. What would it be like if Jesus spent most of his time with his team inside a building. He could teach information. Rather he trained in a new way of life.
I wonder if we were supposed to do church more like Jesus did.
questions a disciple maker would ask
Jesus ask the man, "what do you want me to do for you?"- Mark 10:51
What do you want? Or what do I really want?
I saw Travis last week. He reminded me of how I would ask him and Alex tough questions each week. Somewhere I learned that Jesus made disciples by asking questions. We did that for a few years while we were in Tampa.
My questions were usually along the lines of What is God teaching you? Or what are you reading in the Bible?
I know what it is that I am trying to teach. When you tell me what you heard, you tell me what you have learned. A teacher does not teach until the student learns. A teacher learns what he has taught when he asks the student what he has learned.
Lecture is the most ineffective form of communication. Yes, it is fast. But lecture is one way and has the lowest retention.
Jesus taught the big crowds with his disciples close by. Then he ask questions to those he was discipling. So, as a pastor I must meet with people to hear what they are learning. I plan to do this this week.
Impress at a distance, but impact is up close.
What do you want? Or what do I really want?
I saw Travis last week. He reminded me of how I would ask him and Alex tough questions each week. Somewhere I learned that Jesus made disciples by asking questions. We did that for a few years while we were in Tampa.
My questions were usually along the lines of What is God teaching you? Or what are you reading in the Bible?
I know what it is that I am trying to teach. When you tell me what you heard, you tell me what you have learned. A teacher does not teach until the student learns. A teacher learns what he has taught when he asks the student what he has learned.
Lecture is the most ineffective form of communication. Yes, it is fast. But lecture is one way and has the lowest retention.
Jesus taught the big crowds with his disciples close by. Then he ask questions to those he was discipling. So, as a pastor I must meet with people to hear what they are learning. I plan to do this this week.
Impress at a distance, but impact is up close.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Just a little about me.
Married for 26 years to my best friend. Thanks Tim Dolan and Tom Knight for taking me to the Jersey Shore. I thought I was there to make money to pay for college. Meeting Linda in Cape May is worth far more. We have raised 4 beautiful daughters. My greatest joy is seeing them follow Christ.
I have learned so much with 25 years of youth ministry. St Pete, Okeechobee, Wooster, Charlotte, Tampa and Hagerstown.
As a pastor I am bent on making disciples. I like to see myself as a trainer of disciple makers.
I have a growing frustration with the church that does a great show or programs, but is not training people to make disciples. Some pastors think the church program makes disciples. I think Jesus taught those who were close to pour into the life of a handful. People make disciples. Those who follow Christ will make disciples. Can you name yours?
I am thankful for the communication and Bible classes at Grace. I am indebted to Dave Bogue for the discipleship training at Winona Lake, GBC. I was also discipled as a pastor by Bill Tweeddale.
I often work at coffee shops. I want to be out in the community. The church needs to be in the community offering to help people. If you are near Hagerstown let's get together. I might ask you how your walk is with Christ, or what God is teaching you. I would like to pray for and with you. All for Jesus, Mike
Monday, May 7, 2012
The Greatest Miracle of Proof?
What's the shortest verse in the Bible? Many know it is John 11:35- Jesus Wept. So, what is the story? At the youth Bible study, Sam said the story of Lazarus. Good job Sam!
Jesus takes his time after hearing that Lazarus is sick and near death. God's plan is not to heal this time. They finally make it to find that Lazarus is dead for 4 days and now buried.
Many believe after Jesus raises him from the dead.
But the religious leaders have a different take on this. They do not disagree that Lazarus was dead and is now raised back from the dead. They know that this is true. Jesus does what they could not explain. What a great proof of evidence that Jesus is the one he claims to be.
But they are concerned that so many will put their trust in Jesus the Christ. Caiphas states that it would be better for one to die, than for the whole religious institution be threatened by the problems Jesus is causing. He accidentally prophecies that Jesus would die for the sake of many.
Caiphas was so mistaken that he felt his religion and religious institution would do better if he had God killed.
Conclusion is obvious. All of our religion, beliefs and programs must be evaluated in light of what God is doing. We must stop programs that do not fit with God's purpose for the church. If we keep our traditions and loose the mission that God has for the church, it really does not matter that the doors to the church are still open.
So, what is God's purpose for the church?
sounds like a good conversation over coffee. call me.
Jesus takes his time after hearing that Lazarus is sick and near death. God's plan is not to heal this time. They finally make it to find that Lazarus is dead for 4 days and now buried.
Many believe after Jesus raises him from the dead.
But the religious leaders have a different take on this. They do not disagree that Lazarus was dead and is now raised back from the dead. They know that this is true. Jesus does what they could not explain. What a great proof of evidence that Jesus is the one he claims to be.
But they are concerned that so many will put their trust in Jesus the Christ. Caiphas states that it would be better for one to die, than for the whole religious institution be threatened by the problems Jesus is causing. He accidentally prophecies that Jesus would die for the sake of many.
Caiphas was so mistaken that he felt his religion and religious institution would do better if he had God killed.
Conclusion is obvious. All of our religion, beliefs and programs must be evaluated in light of what God is doing. We must stop programs that do not fit with God's purpose for the church. If we keep our traditions and loose the mission that God has for the church, it really does not matter that the doors to the church are still open.
So, what is God's purpose for the church?
sounds like a good conversation over coffee. call me.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Doing the right thing is not enough- John 6
The day Jesus draws a crowd with over 5,000 people eager to see what Jesus would do next. He feeds them all. Later that night, Jesus and the disciples go across the lake. Many follow him. Jesus questions their motives. Why are they following him? Some wanted a new king. Some wanted to see the next miracle. Jesus tells them truth that they do not want to hear.
Jesus tells them that He is the true bread. He is the one that gives life. He is the one that give true nourishment to the soul of a person.
They all leave. From 15,000 people the crowd is down to his faithful 12. What are the principles of church growth? When Jesus asks the disciples if they were going to leave as well, He gets a great answer. Peter says- "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe and we know you are the Holy One of God."
I think people can handle the truth. Jesus loves all people. He also spoke the truth. The truth did not change to get more people to come. Jesus was not like a pastor who works on a series of messages to draw a bigger crowd. Rather he seems concerned that too many are following Him with the wrong motives.
My take away from this. I am not Jesus. It is not what I have to say. I must say the truth. The truth does not come from me. I want to say what he says. He makes me think. He makes us think about truth. I think a church can grow as people come wanting to know God. There are many that want to know the truth. Many who want to know the Bible.
I am looking to team up with people who want to go after the truth.
Jesus tells them that He is the true bread. He is the one that gives life. He is the one that give true nourishment to the soul of a person.
They all leave. From 15,000 people the crowd is down to his faithful 12. What are the principles of church growth? When Jesus asks the disciples if they were going to leave as well, He gets a great answer. Peter says- "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe and we know you are the Holy One of God."
I think people can handle the truth. Jesus loves all people. He also spoke the truth. The truth did not change to get more people to come. Jesus was not like a pastor who works on a series of messages to draw a bigger crowd. Rather he seems concerned that too many are following Him with the wrong motives.
My take away from this. I am not Jesus. It is not what I have to say. I must say the truth. The truth does not come from me. I want to say what he says. He makes me think. He makes us think about truth. I think a church can grow as people come wanting to know God. There are many that want to know the truth. Many who want to know the Bible.
I am looking to team up with people who want to go after the truth.
Friday, February 10, 2012
number 1-21 and take the test
Do we know the Bible? Do I know the Bible? I am on a journey with about a dozen students to learn the book of John. The pre test for John is to number 1 - 21, a number for each chapter. Can I put down something for each chapter?
Sometimes when people teach the Bible, they read a verse or so and then say all the other stuff they came up with. What if we just teach the Bible. Mostly what is taught is right there in print.
May God forgive us when we try to think of things to say that will make people feel good about themselves, or be impressed with the speaker. The Bible impresses us with God. I just need to get out of the way and point the listener to the Word on the page. I am trying.
I really enjoyed our study of John 1 this past Wednesday. I had to check on the stories of Jacob. If you missed this- We notice that Jesus is the Son of man and the Stairway to Heaven (John 1:51). Think about that next time you hear the song? There are 18 names for Jesus in this chapter. How do you describe Jesus? John 1 does that.
It is so much fun to watch students talking about the Bible.
Jacob had a stairway and he wrestled with God. I had to go back to Genesis to get this straight in my mind. I think Ellie said it was a dream where Jacob used a rock for a pillow. That is correct. Good job Ellie! See Genesis 28:10-22.
The "wrestle with God", is a different story in Genesis 32:22-32.
I like it when students make me go back and find the right answers. I am glad I said I do not know. My guess would have been wrong.
Still thinking on this.
Sometimes when people teach the Bible, they read a verse or so and then say all the other stuff they came up with. What if we just teach the Bible. Mostly what is taught is right there in print.
May God forgive us when we try to think of things to say that will make people feel good about themselves, or be impressed with the speaker. The Bible impresses us with God. I just need to get out of the way and point the listener to the Word on the page. I am trying.
I really enjoyed our study of John 1 this past Wednesday. I had to check on the stories of Jacob. If you missed this- We notice that Jesus is the Son of man and the Stairway to Heaven (John 1:51). Think about that next time you hear the song? There are 18 names for Jesus in this chapter. How do you describe Jesus? John 1 does that.
It is so much fun to watch students talking about the Bible.
Jacob had a stairway and he wrestled with God. I had to go back to Genesis to get this straight in my mind. I think Ellie said it was a dream where Jacob used a rock for a pillow. That is correct. Good job Ellie! See Genesis 28:10-22.
The "wrestle with God", is a different story in Genesis 32:22-32.
I like it when students make me go back and find the right answers. I am glad I said I do not know. My guess would have been wrong.
Still thinking on this.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
I can do anything, like endure tough times.
I have been looking at Philippians 4:13 lately. That is Brandon's favorite verse and song, I think. What a great verse. We meet for Bible study before school on Friday's.
I have notice similar verses in Jeremiah. 33:3 says Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
33:1 says that Jeremiah is still confined in the courtyard of the guard. He was confined there 44 verses earlier.
Jerusalem is under attach by Nebuchadnezzar and is being burned down.
Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
In Jeremiah 38, some officials put Jeremiah in a well where he sank down into the mud.
I want to see what God sees. How did Paul say "I can do all things," while he was in chains for sharing the truth about Christ.
I know I can do what God asks me to do today. I know we have it so much easier today. I hope that I am not distracted by making myself more comfortable. There is nothing better than moving in harmony with my creator. God help me to see how to do that today.
I have notice similar verses in Jeremiah. 33:3 says Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
33:1 says that Jeremiah is still confined in the courtyard of the guard. He was confined there 44 verses earlier.
Jerusalem is under attach by Nebuchadnezzar and is being burned down.
Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
In Jeremiah 38, some officials put Jeremiah in a well where he sank down into the mud.
I want to see what God sees. How did Paul say "I can do all things," while he was in chains for sharing the truth about Christ.
I know I can do what God asks me to do today. I know we have it so much easier today. I hope that I am not distracted by making myself more comfortable. There is nothing better than moving in harmony with my creator. God help me to see how to do that today.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
how to respond
I just read a good article on responding to difficult people. I say I have no problem with hurts. Then I remember.
From Ed Lewis
From Ed Lewis
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