Friday, March 23, 2012

Doing the right thing is not enough- John 6

The day Jesus draws a crowd with over 5,000 people eager to see what Jesus would do next.  He feeds them all.  Later that night, Jesus and the disciples go across the lake.  Many follow him.  Jesus questions their motives.  Why are they following him?  Some wanted a new king.  Some wanted to see the next miracle.  Jesus tells them truth that they do not want to hear.

Jesus tells them that He is the true bread.  He is the one that gives life.  He is the one that give true nourishment to the soul of a person.

They all leave.  From 15,000 people the crowd is down to his faithful 12.  What are the principles of church growth?  When Jesus asks the disciples if they were going to leave as well, He gets a great answer.  Peter says- "Lord, to whom would we go?  You have the words that give eternal life.  We believe and we know you are the Holy One of God."

I think people can handle the truth.  Jesus loves all people.  He also spoke the truth.  The truth did not change to get more people to come.  Jesus was not like a pastor who works on a series of messages to draw a bigger crowd.  Rather he seems concerned that too many are following Him with the wrong motives.

My take away from this.  I am not Jesus.  It is not what I have to say.  I must say the truth.  The truth does not come from me.  I want to say what he says.  He makes me think.  He makes us think about truth.  I think a church can grow as people come wanting to know God.  There are many that want to know the truth.  Many who want to know the Bible.

I am looking to team up with people who want to go after the truth.

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