Wait! Stop! First, I am not talking about your priest. Or anyone alive today.
Jesus tells the story about a Jew on the road from Jerusalem down into Jericho. The road goes north about 17 miles and descends about 3000 feet. A little passed the middle of the trip is the part that winds and descends. Many called this the way of blood. All who were listening to Jesus likely knew where he was talking about.
A Jewish man is beaten, robbed and left for dead. The priest continues on his journey walking on the other side of the road.
This conversation all started with a question. Teacher, What do I have to do to have eternal life? Jesus affirms the answer given by the Pharisee. Love God with all you have and love others as well. But, to justify himself the religious leader asked Jesus, "who is you neighbor?".
The thief saw this man as an opportunity. The lawyer saw this as a case to be discussed. The inn keeper saw this as good business. The religious priest saw this as a messy situation. But, Jesus saw this as a need to be met. This is how followers of Christ will love others.
All those who follow Christ will love God and love others. The test will prove our love for God and others as we stop to help those we come across in life. We walk around noticing people the way God sees them. We will get messy as we step into others lives with our resources to show Gods love.
Read the story from the Bible in Luke 10:25-37
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