Monday, December 7, 2015
Free Wine- the finest
In Isaiah 55:1, God offers free wine. He invites those with no money to receive the finest of wine, milk and food. The offer is to any who are thirsty or hungry. Are you hungry or thirsty?
No doubt this is a metaphor to illustrate how God wants to give to us. The actual invitation is to receive the everlasting covenant and unfailing love God promised to David. It takes no money or efforts to receive this. It is offered to sinful and wicked people. I think everyone sins.
Heres's my own illustration;
I heard this story about a group of soldiers who were training by walking miles each day. The gear was heavy and the men were tired. On top of that, the food truck that was to meet them did not arrive. Now a few days without food the group received some encouragement as a Salvation Army truck met them with hot coffee. But still no food.
A couple of the men started eating the cups. They said it felt better to at least have something in their stomachs.
Why spend your efforts on food that does not give any nourishment? Why use your life for things that do not matter?
Filling your stomach with paper could make you feel like you had some food. I wonder where I fill my life with things that do not matter. I can stay busy, but what am I doing that really matters? I could think I am satisfied. Do we slow down enough to notice that we are really hungry and thirsty for what God has to offer?
God says those who listen to him will find meaning/ purpose in life. God's word will accomplish what he wants it to do. I plan to take time as a rhythm in my life to listen to God. To be still and listen to God and his word.
Who would turn down the finest free wine?
Monday, November 23, 2015
My High School Football Team at Pinellas Park High School
There is something about being on a team.
I have good memories of my high school football team at Pinellas Park High. Win or loose we were in it together. Our coach asked us to choose the schedule we would take for my senior year. We were a new school and people did not expect too much from us. We could play smaller schools and that would be acceptable. Or, we could play the bigger schools. That would be the schools we came from. Our new school had taken students from 3-4 other high schools. We might loose all the games. But, we all wanted to take on the challenge of playing our old schools.
Today, Linda and I are on the edge of a new transition. No doubt that God is moving us from Maryland, back to Florida. It is like we have no choice. God is that clear.
For 30 years I have been privileged with a paid position as I worked on a church staff. More and more I look to build a team. We need to see the same purpose. It will take work. There will be training. My future job is not clear. But I know there will be a team.
This will be part of the team. All Scripture is inspired by God and it is useful for training workers. Then I read another place that said church leaders responsibility is to train workers. The church becomes mature in Christ when leaders train those who are teachable to do work. My goal would be to build a team that would carry this out. Team up with God to make this happen. To be a biblical church. (II Tim 3:17, Eph. 4:12)
As I remember it, the first game we won had the score of 4 to 0. We scored 2 safety's. No one really expected that. But we planned and worked hard expecting to win. I learned a lot from that high school team. I hope to keep on learning as we build a team to be the church.
I have good memories of my high school football team at Pinellas Park High. Win or loose we were in it together. Our coach asked us to choose the schedule we would take for my senior year. We were a new school and people did not expect too much from us. We could play smaller schools and that would be acceptable. Or, we could play the bigger schools. That would be the schools we came from. Our new school had taken students from 3-4 other high schools. We might loose all the games. But, we all wanted to take on the challenge of playing our old schools.
Today, Linda and I are on the edge of a new transition. No doubt that God is moving us from Maryland, back to Florida. It is like we have no choice. God is that clear.
For 30 years I have been privileged with a paid position as I worked on a church staff. More and more I look to build a team. We need to see the same purpose. It will take work. There will be training. My future job is not clear. But I know there will be a team.
This will be part of the team. All Scripture is inspired by God and it is useful for training workers. Then I read another place that said church leaders responsibility is to train workers. The church becomes mature in Christ when leaders train those who are teachable to do work. My goal would be to build a team that would carry this out. Team up with God to make this happen. To be a biblical church. (II Tim 3:17, Eph. 4:12)
As I remember it, the first game we won had the score of 4 to 0. We scored 2 safety's. No one really expected that. But we planned and worked hard expecting to win. I learned a lot from that high school team. I hope to keep on learning as we build a team to be the church.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Change the way I pray
Hey God in heaven. I am pretty good. Since I am good I think I should get my way. Since I am good you will probably give me what I want. I do sin, but not as bad as other people I know. So just keep the good times coming.
Ok, not the best way to pray.
I want to change the way I pray. It seems I often say the same words without enough thought. I have been thinking about how Jesus taught people to pray in Matthew 6:9-13.
I want my prayers to realize the greatness of my Lord and Savior. I want everything to line up with what he wants to do in my life and in the lives of those around me.
My needs can be part of my prayers. My needs and my wants are not the same. I hope my wants, will keep changing to be more like what my Father's wants from heaven.
When I seek the holiness of God I notice how I fall short. My sin must be confessed. Change my selfish ways to line up with my creator so to fit what I was made for.
My Father in heaven, you are . . . .
Ok, not the best way to pray.
I want to change the way I pray. It seems I often say the same words without enough thought. I have been thinking about how Jesus taught people to pray in Matthew 6:9-13.
I want my prayers to realize the greatness of my Lord and Savior. I want everything to line up with what he wants to do in my life and in the lives of those around me.
My needs can be part of my prayers. My needs and my wants are not the same. I hope my wants, will keep changing to be more like what my Father's wants from heaven.
When I seek the holiness of God I notice how I fall short. My sin must be confessed. Change my selfish ways to line up with my creator so to fit what I was made for.
My Father in heaven, you are . . . .
Monday, August 31, 2015
And then he died
There are some things in life you can never forget. We lived in Ohio about 20 years ago. Each pastor had a day when they had to do the hospital visitation. I went to visit the man on the card. I would have forgotten this long ago, but he died while I was there in the room. I had already read the Bible and prayed with him. And then he dies. He was already asleep and looked mostly dead.
I am not qualified to pronounce someone dead. But I can tell when someone is not breathing. Some can check for a pulse. I never can find a pulse. If they are not breathing, they are dead.
The Bible says that a body is dead without breath. This illustrates something about faith. When faith is dead there are no good works. If someone claims to have faith and there are no good works then that faith is dead, useless and worth nothing. Genuine faith will produce good works.
Claiming you have faith does not mean you have faith. James 2:1 That is too easy. And we can think we have something when we really do not. You can know and show you have faith by your actions. Good works are the sign that shows your faith. Like a body has breath. James 2:26
I am not qualified to pronounce someone dead. But I can tell when someone is not breathing. Some can check for a pulse. I never can find a pulse. If they are not breathing, they are dead.
The Bible says that a body is dead without breath. This illustrates something about faith. When faith is dead there are no good works. If someone claims to have faith and there are no good works then that faith is dead, useless and worth nothing. Genuine faith will produce good works.
Claiming you have faith does not mean you have faith. James 2:1 That is too easy. And we can think we have something when we really do not. You can know and show you have faith by your actions. Good works are the sign that shows your faith. Like a body has breath. James 2:26
Monday, July 20, 2015
The Purpose is People
The greatest love is giving so much that it cost you your life. You lay down you life for another person. You are willing to stop living for your self. No longer selfish. My budget and my calendar will be full of time with others that I want to help. Not that I need to put them on my calendar. I will see them as important every where I go. Where ever you go, care about people.
The score of the game is not as important of those I am with. My way in the meeting is not as important as my care and patience with the person I am talking to. My food at the restaurant is not as important as the person who brings it.
Stop and see the people.
In the church we must have this kind of a team. To know that we are working together. We are on the same side. My favorite times are the time with people who are taking up the cross of Christ. They are looking to be used by God. They are making time to care about others.
Jesus laid his life down for us. He died for us.
He told us that to follow him would cost us our lives. If I live for myself then lose my life. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. Mark 8:35
Since my life is no longer mine. It belongs to God. I can let him lead me.
The joy that comes from this is surprising. When we love each other the way that God loves us we are filled with joy. Yes, your joy will overflow. John 15:11
The purpose is the people. All the stuff will go. People last forever.
Monday, June 22, 2015
How can I get around to the things that matter the most?
Back in the 90's I worked at a church where the people voted on the pastors every year. You could vote for them to stay. Or you could vote that you wanted them to leave. So what do you think this did to the pastors? I know for me it encouraged the purpose of a pastor. To keep everyone happy. Right? I think we all dreaded the vote. Not sure it helped us at all. Likely it did more damage to the hearts of the congregation. Imagine thinking the pastors job was to keep you happy. I think that church has grown past that. I don't know of any churches that do that anymore.
Maybe pastors should work harder to do the things that pastors are told to do in the Bible? Here are 3 things that would help us stay on track.
1. I need to know what I am called to do. I have taken on the call to follow Christ. He is the leader of my life. I trust him with every area of my life. I will live my life to be pleasing to God.
Have I put my trust in Christ?
Am I a follower of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior?
2. Put every thing on the table. Things that do not fit need to go. I must be intentional. If I am not intentional then I will become busy with good things rather than the best things. I will not keep doing the same things that do not work. We will not keep doing things that get us no where.
Is our budget spent on the things that accomplish the mission of the church?
Does everything on the calendar fit the mission?
Things cannot be there because we just feel like putting it there. What needs to go and what needs to stay.
Has my church gone all in on this?
Does the budget and calendar reflect this?
Concerts, Socials, Softball team? Why do this?
3. Stop doing things that just fill my time. No doubt we can stay busy. But, we need to be busy about things that matter.
Are we meeting needs in the community?
Are we helping people grow in how they know and follow Christ?
Are we training people to help others in how they know and follow Christ?
My life is worth nothing unless I use it to finish the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- Acts 20:24
I look forward to spending time with others who want to live on the mission of Christ.
Maybe pastors should work harder to do the things that pastors are told to do in the Bible? Here are 3 things that would help us stay on track.
1. I need to know what I am called to do. I have taken on the call to follow Christ. He is the leader of my life. I trust him with every area of my life. I will live my life to be pleasing to God.
Have I put my trust in Christ?
Am I a follower of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior?
2. Put every thing on the table. Things that do not fit need to go. I must be intentional. If I am not intentional then I will become busy with good things rather than the best things. I will not keep doing the same things that do not work. We will not keep doing things that get us no where.

Does everything on the calendar fit the mission?
Things cannot be there because we just feel like putting it there. What needs to go and what needs to stay.
Has my church gone all in on this?
Does the budget and calendar reflect this?
Concerts, Socials, Softball team? Why do this?
3. Stop doing things that just fill my time. No doubt we can stay busy. But, we need to be busy about things that matter.
Are we meeting needs in the community?
Are we helping people grow in how they know and follow Christ?
Are we training people to help others in how they know and follow Christ?
My life is worth nothing unless I use it to finish the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- Acts 20:24
I look forward to spending time with others who want to live on the mission of Christ.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
remember how that hurt
A friend of mine lost his job this week.
I was very surprised.
How much my own feelings came back to my memory. As he described how hard he had worked and how unappreciated that felt. Somewhere between anger and hurt. Friends so you thought. Trust and teamwork. But now a realization that your were not in the family. The meetings that went on without you as those over you made decisions. Knowing that their plan has gone on for a while. Now their revelation comes with a timeline to remove your influence from the company. Say goodbye and move your stuff out. It might be better if you do not come around here. Ouch.
I wondered why God let these memories come back so strong. I know what this feels like.
After a day or so I am walking through how I was able to work through this and move on. God does not keep us from feelings of hurt and pain.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. II Corinthians 1:3-4
Glad I can understand how this feels.
I was very surprised.
How much my own feelings came back to my memory. As he described how hard he had worked and how unappreciated that felt. Somewhere between anger and hurt. Friends so you thought. Trust and teamwork. But now a realization that your were not in the family. The meetings that went on without you as those over you made decisions. Knowing that their plan has gone on for a while. Now their revelation comes with a timeline to remove your influence from the company. Say goodbye and move your stuff out. It might be better if you do not come around here. Ouch.
I wondered why God let these memories come back so strong. I know what this feels like.
After a day or so I am walking through how I was able to work through this and move on. God does not keep us from feelings of hurt and pain.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. II Corinthians 1:3-4
Glad I can understand how this feels.
Monday, June 15, 2015
4 Verses and Jesus asks 9 questions
Those who were close to Jesus. They walked with him. They saw what he did. Twice Jesus asked, Don't you understand yet?
It seems 2 people can see the same thing, yet 1 person gets it and the other has no clue.
We all are taking a ride on a huge spinning ball of dirt as it travels around a huger ball of fire. As if it just happened? As if there is nothing that caused this? Could all this have been caused by nothing with no purpose.
If it all just happened by chance, then there is no reason. Then I can do what ever I want. But, is there is a creator, with a purpose? Just maybe we can look for clues and find out who he is. Maybe we can find truth and how we can be part of a reason that we are made.
These questions are in the Bible in the book of Mark 8:17-21. There are plenty of obvious clues. They did see what Jesus did. They did remember what he did. But would they understand who Jesus was? Would they understand?
It just makes sense. This truth is available to everyone. God shows himself to his creation. Will I understand?
Monday, June 8, 2015
Has anyone been unkind to you?
Did you know God gets angry?
This man was getting older and wanted to adjust his finances toward retirement. He decided to ask any who borrowed from him to pay back all debt. One man had borrowed over a million dollars. He told him he had to pay up. Since the man was not able, he began the process of taking everything he owned. The borrower pleaded and begged for mercy, saying he would repay every dollar.
The older man had pity and told him he would drop the suit and forgave his entire debt. Nothing had to be repaid. The man in debt was now completely free.
The man now free from debt went that day to collect a debt of a few thousand dollars. Even though the man begged for more time he still took him to court and began pressing charges to get his money.
The older man soon heard about his evil behavior. He went and found him told him he had changed his mind.
"Shouldn't you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?" Matthew 18:33
God is the older man. Those who trust God are the ones who are free from a debt of all the wrong things that have been done against God. The man with the smaller debt would be those who have done minor things against us.
Hard to believe that I could be angry with any who have done wrong things against me. Those who are forgiven must be forgivers. Once we realize how much God has forgiven us, we must forgive others.
God is angry with any who cannot forgive as they have been forgiven. Such a freedom is found as we live realizing we have been forgiven so much. Millions.
This man was getting older and wanted to adjust his finances toward retirement. He decided to ask any who borrowed from him to pay back all debt. One man had borrowed over a million dollars. He told him he had to pay up. Since the man was not able, he began the process of taking everything he owned. The borrower pleaded and begged for mercy, saying he would repay every dollar.
The older man had pity and told him he would drop the suit and forgave his entire debt. Nothing had to be repaid. The man in debt was now completely free.
The man now free from debt went that day to collect a debt of a few thousand dollars. Even though the man begged for more time he still took him to court and began pressing charges to get his money.
The older man soon heard about his evil behavior. He went and found him told him he had changed his mind.
"Shouldn't you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?" Matthew 18:33
God is the older man. Those who trust God are the ones who are free from a debt of all the wrong things that have been done against God. The man with the smaller debt would be those who have done minor things against us.
Hard to believe that I could be angry with any who have done wrong things against me. Those who are forgiven must be forgivers. Once we realize how much God has forgiven us, we must forgive others.
God is angry with any who cannot forgive as they have been forgiven. Such a freedom is found as we live realizing we have been forgiven so much. Millions.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Does everything work together for good?
I heard that last week. Just keep trying and things will get better. Just do good and it will come back to you. All things work together for good is even a quote from the Bible. Just missing a bit.
God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
The verses before this talk about not even knowing what to pray. How the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer in the presence of God. The Holy Spirit prays that we would be in harmony with God's own will. God will help me live in harmony with his will for my life. I want that.
God is sovereign. He rules over everything. He knows what is going on around me. He has a plan that is unstoppable.
My part is to choose to love and trust him. If I ignore God and live to please myself, it does not work. In an imperfect way I will pursue God and live my life to please him. Looking to see God show up and bring glory to himself in my life. It is not about me. All about him.
All for Jesus,
God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
The verses before this talk about not even knowing what to pray. How the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer in the presence of God. The Holy Spirit prays that we would be in harmony with God's own will. God will help me live in harmony with his will for my life. I want that.
God is sovereign. He rules over everything. He knows what is going on around me. He has a plan that is unstoppable.
My part is to choose to love and trust him. If I ignore God and live to please myself, it does not work. In an imperfect way I will pursue God and live my life to please him. Looking to see God show up and bring glory to himself in my life. It is not about me. All about him.
All for Jesus,
Monday, April 27, 2015
Not about keeping a list of rules
There were some that did this. They saw themselves as educated authorities that pushed people to take on strong devotion, pious self denial and severe bodily disciplines. People were deceived and convinced they would have to work harder and harder. They would condemn people for not keeping sabbaths and other holy days.
No one makes it to God by keeping a list of rules or laws. The law only shows us that we are not able to keep it. All have missed the mark of perfect holiness. Two times in the new testament the Bible teaches against those who do this.
Jesus took our place, fulfilled the law and died for all mankind.
People are made right with God when they trust Christ as Lord. I surrender and trust God. My attempts to make it to God do not work.
Our focus is on the inside. Christ in me is in the Bible about 170 times. As Jesus helps me work on the inside, the outside actions will continue to change.
Once I trust him I don't go find a list of rules to prove something. The Christian life is just a continuation of trusting Christ to lead in my life. Day by day just get up and seek after God. Live a surrendered life to how God leads you. Seek him through prayer and reading the Bible. Keep on trusting Christ as leader of your new life. Christ is with all who have put their trust in him. Just let him lead. Read Colossians 2 in the Bible for more on this.
No one makes it to God by keeping a list of rules or laws. The law only shows us that we are not able to keep it. All have missed the mark of perfect holiness. Two times in the new testament the Bible teaches against those who do this.
Jesus took our place, fulfilled the law and died for all mankind.
People are made right with God when they trust Christ as Lord. I surrender and trust God. My attempts to make it to God do not work.
Our focus is on the inside. Christ in me is in the Bible about 170 times. As Jesus helps me work on the inside, the outside actions will continue to change.
Once I trust him I don't go find a list of rules to prove something. The Christian life is just a continuation of trusting Christ to lead in my life. Day by day just get up and seek after God. Live a surrendered life to how God leads you. Seek him through prayer and reading the Bible. Keep on trusting Christ as leader of your new life. Christ is with all who have put their trust in him. Just let him lead. Read Colossians 2 in the Bible for more on this.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Would anyone choose oppression?
He was adopted into wealth, luxury and the best education. He could have played his cards right and been set for life. What made him choose oppression?
Faith is the cause. He refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God's people. He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of Christ than to own the treasures of Egypt. See Hebrews 11:24-26.
Moses is a great example of how our faith should be.
But, why not live in the wealth and have some kind of secret faith? Does that work? Just adjust your faith to accommodate wealth and pleasure. Oops. That is not real faith. Not faith like Moses. Not faith like the Bible talks about.
Faith changes how we live. It makes us use everything we have to be pleasing to God. Faith leads to love and sacrifice. It is not about me. It is not for me. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Master and owner of everything that I am.
I will keep on working to live out this kind of faith. Teaming with others who are willing to lay down their lives.
Faith is the cause. He refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God's people. He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of Christ than to own the treasures of Egypt. See Hebrews 11:24-26.
Moses is a great example of how our faith should be.
But, why not live in the wealth and have some kind of secret faith? Does that work? Just adjust your faith to accommodate wealth and pleasure. Oops. That is not real faith. Not faith like Moses. Not faith like the Bible talks about.
Faith changes how we live. It makes us use everything we have to be pleasing to God. Faith leads to love and sacrifice. It is not about me. It is not for me. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Master and owner of everything that I am.
I will keep on working to live out this kind of faith. Teaming with others who are willing to lay down their lives.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Not a list of Rules
The Bible is more about God, who he is and what he does.
It is not so much about what I do. It is not just a moral code.
Church was different yesterday. Half the churches cancelled because of a possible freezing rain. I think we had double what I expected. But, I had already planned a small group Bible study. Our people read this short chapter 5 times. Each time they would look to answer a word search question. I call this observation. Rather than forming opinions we just looked to see what we would find.
Who is in the chapter? What are the key words? Are there any commands or directives?
There is really only one thing we are told to do in this short chapter. Believe the truth. Trust God. That sums up God's good news for our part.
Another question. See what God does. What is God's part?
This next part really got me. Too many to count. I had to circle whole verses of things that God does in our lives.
Jesus did the work. God gives us everything we need. We just need to trust him.
I hope my preaching becomes an exact parallel to what God says in his Word. Life changes as we discover what God does in our lives. It becomes more about God, than about me. Be encouraged. God will do what he says he will do.
Just don't live to please your self. Less of my opinions and more understanding what God says and does.
We were reading Colossians 1.
I think I will remember this as one of my favorite Sunday mornings.
It is not so much about what I do. It is not just a moral code.
Church was different yesterday. Half the churches cancelled because of a possible freezing rain. I think we had double what I expected. But, I had already planned a small group Bible study. Our people read this short chapter 5 times. Each time they would look to answer a word search question. I call this observation. Rather than forming opinions we just looked to see what we would find.
Who is in the chapter? What are the key words? Are there any commands or directives?
There is really only one thing we are told to do in this short chapter. Believe the truth. Trust God. That sums up God's good news for our part.
Another question. See what God does. What is God's part?
This next part really got me. Too many to count. I had to circle whole verses of things that God does in our lives.
Jesus did the work. God gives us everything we need. We just need to trust him.
I hope my preaching becomes an exact parallel to what God says in his Word. Life changes as we discover what God does in our lives. It becomes more about God, than about me. Be encouraged. God will do what he says he will do.
Just don't live to please your self. Less of my opinions and more understanding what God says and does.
We were reading Colossians 1.
I think I will remember this as one of my favorite Sunday mornings.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Do all religions lead to God?
All religions lead to the same God?
This is often said as an attempt at tolerance. At first it seems to be accepting all religions. But where is there a religion that accepts this?
Islam says that: Allah is the only true God, and that anyone who says Christ is the Son of God will be condemned (Qur'an 5:72, 9:30)
Jesus says in John 8:24 "That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM who I claim to be, you will die in your sins." Jesus is claiming to be God as he had just forgiven sins as if he was God. The religious people understood what he was doing.
To say all religions lead to God is intolerant of the Bible, Christ followers and Christianity. To say all religions lead to God, is not tolerant of any major religion.
To step back and claim that all religions are acceptable is not possible. It is like accepting right and wrong as the right way to live. No one can do both at the same time.
What we should say is that I respect the right for all people to seek God as they see fit. I am thankful for many who died for this right. I wish this were true around the world.
But, I will live by the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life. No one can make it to God except through Jesus Christ.
This is often said as an attempt at tolerance. At first it seems to be accepting all religions. But where is there a religion that accepts this?
Islam says that: Allah is the only true God, and that anyone who says Christ is the Son of God will be condemned (Qur'an 5:72, 9:30)
Jesus says in John 8:24 "That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM who I claim to be, you will die in your sins." Jesus is claiming to be God as he had just forgiven sins as if he was God. The religious people understood what he was doing.
To say all religions lead to God is intolerant of the Bible, Christ followers and Christianity. To say all religions lead to God, is not tolerant of any major religion.
To step back and claim that all religions are acceptable is not possible. It is like accepting right and wrong as the right way to live. No one can do both at the same time.
What we should say is that I respect the right for all people to seek God as they see fit. I am thankful for many who died for this right. I wish this were true around the world.
But, I will live by the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life. No one can make it to God except through Jesus Christ.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Don't Be That Guy
There are people who claim to speak for God and about God.
They speak well. They know big words and are smooth talkers. They could have a nice title and an education. At first this would sound impressive. The clues are in their motives. Their speaking is only to satisfy themselves. There is something in them that feels empty. They want the power of telling others what to do.
The result causes division in those who want to follow Christ. Their speaking causes people to sin.
Don't think you can help them. At first you might think you can steer them back on track. But Paul in the book of Romans says to stay far away from them. See Romans 16:17.
Don't be that guy. Watch out for people like that.
They speak well. They know big words and are smooth talkers. They could have a nice title and an education. At first this would sound impressive. The clues are in their motives. Their speaking is only to satisfy themselves. There is something in them that feels empty. They want the power of telling others what to do.
The result causes division in those who want to follow Christ. Their speaking causes people to sin.
Don't think you can help them. At first you might think you can steer them back on track. But Paul in the book of Romans says to stay far away from them. See Romans 16:17.
Don't be that guy. Watch out for people like that.
Monday, January 12, 2015
The Strong will do this- Romans 15
Paul tells those who are strong that they need to help others. Then he describes teachers.
Teachers are full of joy and peace. He says this is the result of their trust in God. So, he prays for them. God gives joy and peace to those who trust him. He tells the church that they are full of goodness and that they can teach each other.
I think I see people who are not yet teaching each other. But they could. As they walk with God they can help others do the same. If they keep on reading the Bible and praying it through, they for sure could be sharing in the lives of others.
But, Mondays are hard days. Most go to work to start the week. Monday for me is usually a debrief and evaluation of the service and mission of the church. I notice that not many Mondays are full of joy and peace. Wondering if the people in church took steps closer to God. Did the Sunday morning message really make sense? I think I might expect too much. Did we really worship God? Or was it just singing songs and going through the motions?
How does the church move those who are ready to be teachers/ disciple makers? Thankful for 3-4 people who would meet today. They are able. There are more. I will be praying and looking to see how God does this.
Today I am telling myself to be simple and clear. It has to be God who does the work. There are some things that we can do better. We can work on those. There are some who don't want to change. I can minimize my efforts there. There are some who want to be used by God. That is a good place for me to spend my energy.
Planning to pray and trust God to raise up a team of people who help others.
Teachers are full of joy and peace. He says this is the result of their trust in God. So, he prays for them. God gives joy and peace to those who trust him. He tells the church that they are full of goodness and that they can teach each other.
I think I see people who are not yet teaching each other. But they could. As they walk with God they can help others do the same. If they keep on reading the Bible and praying it through, they for sure could be sharing in the lives of others.
But, Mondays are hard days. Most go to work to start the week. Monday for me is usually a debrief and evaluation of the service and mission of the church. I notice that not many Mondays are full of joy and peace. Wondering if the people in church took steps closer to God. Did the Sunday morning message really make sense? I think I might expect too much. Did we really worship God? Or was it just singing songs and going through the motions?
How does the church move those who are ready to be teachers/ disciple makers? Thankful for 3-4 people who would meet today. They are able. There are more. I will be praying and looking to see how God does this.
Today I am telling myself to be simple and clear. It has to be God who does the work. There are some things that we can do better. We can work on those. There are some who don't want to change. I can minimize my efforts there. There are some who want to be used by God. That is a good place for me to spend my energy.
Planning to pray and trust God to raise up a team of people who help others.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Have a glass of wine, But keep it a secret
Happy are those who don't feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. But, they are to keep in between themselves and God. See Romans 14:22 in the Bible.
The priority is harmony in the church. The problem is gray areas. Things that some people consider wrong and other people say it is ok. Meat, wine and holy days are all given as examples. I would think there could be many more areas like these.
Why would we be told to keep this to ourselves? Keep peace in the church. So as not to look down on another, whether they keep the rule or think it is ok for freedom. People will answer to God, not answer to one another in these areas. We live to please God not each other.
When you know someone has a problem with something you are doing, you need to be kind. At times you should abstain when they are around you. You should not tempt them to do something they consider sinful.
The Bible is the rule. If the Scriptures give a command on the subject, then it is not right.
But there are gray areas. We have our opinions. Live in freedom as you yield your ways to God. Read Romans 13:13- 14:23 for the rest of the teaching on this.
The priority is harmony in the church. The problem is gray areas. Things that some people consider wrong and other people say it is ok. Meat, wine and holy days are all given as examples. I would think there could be many more areas like these.
Why would we be told to keep this to ourselves? Keep peace in the church. So as not to look down on another, whether they keep the rule or think it is ok for freedom. People will answer to God, not answer to one another in these areas. We live to please God not each other.
When you know someone has a problem with something you are doing, you need to be kind. At times you should abstain when they are around you. You should not tempt them to do something they consider sinful.
The Bible is the rule. If the Scriptures give a command on the subject, then it is not right.
But there are gray areas. We have our opinions. Live in freedom as you yield your ways to God. Read Romans 13:13- 14:23 for the rest of the teaching on this.
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