There is something about being on a team.
I have good memories of my high school football team at Pinellas Park High. Win or loose we were in it together. Our coach asked us to choose the schedule we would take for my senior year. We were a new school and people did not expect too much from us. We could play smaller schools and that would be acceptable. Or, we could play the bigger schools. That would be the schools we came from. Our new school had taken students from 3-4 other high schools. We might loose all the games. But, we all wanted to take on the challenge of playing our old schools.
Today, Linda and I are on the edge of a new transition. No doubt that God is moving us from Maryland, back to Florida. It is like we have no choice. God is that clear.
For 30 years I have been privileged with a paid position as I worked on a church staff. More and more I look to build a team. We need to see the same purpose. It will take work. There will be training. My future job is not clear. But I know there will be a team.
This will be part of the team. All Scripture is inspired by God and it is useful for training workers. Then I read another place that said church leaders responsibility is to train workers. The church becomes mature in Christ when leaders train those who are teachable to do work. My goal would be to build a team that would carry this out. Team up with God to make this happen. To be a biblical church. (II Tim 3:17, Eph. 4:12)
As I remember it, the first game we won had the score of 4 to 0. We scored 2 safety's. No one really expected that. But we planned and worked hard expecting to win. I learned a lot from that high school team. I hope to keep on learning as we build a team to be the church.
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