Monday, September 3, 2012

What you do comes from who you are.

I think he was in 9th grade.  A student in our youth ministry.  Being a good youth pastor I would try to go to visit our student's activities.  So, one afternoon I show up a students school soccer game.  This student was sharp but a little on the quiet side.  But, on the field he took charge.  A strong communicator telling other players who to cover or who to pass the ball to.  It was there that I saw such strong leadership.

But, this student was not a leader in our church or youth ministry.  He was willing, but he did not see what he could do as a leader. 

Kids grow up.  It seems as an infant they think the world is about them.  Through the elementary grades their parents are heroes with unlimited knowledge and strength.  Through the teen years a person starts to understand who they are.  What if adults would help students see who they are?  Often adults like to tell students what to do.  There is a difference.  

In I John 3, it talks about God's love.  Love is giving with no motive to get anything back.  God gives without expecting anything in return.  As if God needs something that I could give to him.  The way he gives love is like the way I like fudge on a hot fudge sundae.  Don't hold back.  Don't be stingy.  Then he calls us his children.  There is something about how a dad loves his children.  That describes my relationship with God.  He says that we are in Him and He is in us.  

Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is.  I John 3:6

At the very core of who I am, I am connected with God.  This is a loving fathering relationship that helps me through this life.  Living in Him will bring success.  Not that I would or could stop sinning.  The continual habits of sin will lose their grip on my life.  

Do, do, do or be, be, be.  When I know who I am, I start to understand what I can do.  Rather than keep a list of rules in a religion, God invites us to walk in relationship with him.  Bad actions will slowly change to good as I walk in a healthy relationship with God.  

A good leader should help people see who they are.  A good disciple maker needs to help others see who they are in Christ.  Walking "In Christ", is a life changer.  So I pray, God help me to live my life In Christ.