Monday, July 21, 2014

Why not follow Christ?

Why would someone not follow Christ?

Four broad categories help me understand where people are with their understanding of faith in God.  It takes time to listen to people to know what they are thinking.  It might be more important to listen than talking too much.  If you are sharing your faith, make sure you do this with gentleness and respect.  Here are four people to whom I like to talk.

1.  Intellectual- some have heard something that they believe to be true that contradicts the teachings of Christ and the Bible.  All of us have had to wrestle with what we believe as well as why we believe the things we do.  What convinced us that there is a God?  Why do we believe the Bible to be true?  As we care for people we must take on their questions as well.  For the informational roadblock, give answers and invite them to trust Christ.  

2.  Willful- some do not want to follow Christ.  If I surrender my ways to God I would have to change. Some people do not believe in God because they do not want God in their life.  Answers do not help if a person will only do what they want.  Many atheist have no reason for their belief.  It just fits what they want to believe.  For the willful, pray for them and give them time.  

3.  Informational- This person is usually more open to answers.  It is possible that no one has shared what the Bible teaches about how to have a right relationship with God.  For the informational roadblock, simply share how they can receive God's gift of eternal life.

4.  Religious- This person would feel they are good with God.  Likely a religious person told them if they keep some church rules that they would be ok with God. The religious person might compare themselves with others and hope that God will grade on a curve.  For the religious, invite them to trust in Christ and Christ alone for eternal life.  

If you are sharing Christ with people that you care about, ask them what would keep them from trusting Christ to lead their life?  Listen, care and yes you should share the truth about Christ.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Help, I need somebody!

Paul talked about how the results of being in Christ will produce a life that gives to others expecting nothing in return.  That is love defined.  Love is the result of living a life surrendered to God.  Those who live their lives surrendered to God will help others.  

If you are spiritual, you can help someone who is stuck in a self destructive behavior.  You should make sure they want help.  You should consider if helping them will tempt you into self destruction.  You can not help everyone.  You can find people that you can help.  If you are in Christ, you will naturally find people so that you can help them.  

Have you grown in life through seeking God and letting God and others help you in the challenges of life?  If you are able to walk in a right relationship in trusting God, then you will be able to help others.  As you mature in your walk with God you will help others.

If you are not helping others then you are not mature in how you walk with God.  If you are growing in living right before God you will come to a point where you want to start helping people.  

So, who are you helping?  How are you helping others?  Where are you in public so that you can find people that you can help?  

Monday, July 7, 2014

How to know what is on the inside

How to tell what kind of citrus tree you have.  I am sure there are some who can tell what the fruit will be by looking at the leaves.  But for a rookie like me, just wait till you can taste the fruit.  When you see the fruit you can always tell what is inside of the tree.

So it is with people.  Keeping rules works on the outside.  But the most important thing is faith expressing itself through love. Those who put their faith in Christ have the Holy Spirit living inside.  If they are healthy, there will be fruit.  If the fruit is not right, then check on what is inside.

A person who follows Christ has a capacity to do right with God's help.  They still have a capacity to live sinful.  But, the sin is taken care of at the cross.  Picture this; our sin has been nailed to the cross.  Take your sin that keeps getting back into your life and picture it nailed to the cross.

Now you can bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness are the result of trusting God today.  I hope my life today will bear the fruit of living a surrendered life to God.