Monday, December 13, 2010

From Mark 3:13-19

Jesus called 12 people by name.  If I am making disciples, I know them by name.  Who has my name on the list of those they would disciple. 

These were people that he would train with intent that he would send them out.  He gave them authority to carry on the work he was doing.  He prayed alot for them.

I am in a transition in my life.  No longer on staff at a church.  I am still all on in my relationship with God.  I am still all on in making disciples.  I am not sure who they are.  Those God is calling me to pray for and encourage.  Praying and willing to do whatever God calls me to do. 


  1. Agree... Would like a paycheck - but still busy in discipleship - learning and teaching as I go. I have my Paul, Barnabas and Timothy... Learning what is is to fully trust Him.

  2. Hey Tom, i agree. Make disciples is not just for those who get paid. I need people who help me follow Christ as I look to help others. Maybe we just help each other follow Christ.
